Living Our Sovereign Nature | with Mona Polacca and Kumu Ramsay Taum
to Apr 12

Living Our Sovereign Nature | with Mona Polacca and Kumu Ramsay Taum

Living our Sovereign Nature is a week-long ceremonial journey exploring our paths to collective healing and redefining our roles as stewards of an emerging future. Lineage carriers Kumu Ramsay Taum (Hawai’i) and Mona Polacca (Hopi / Havasupai) share Indigenous wisdom and spiritual technologies to help us remember our place within the web of life.

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THE ART OF BEING HUMAN  | Authentic Relating Training - Level 1  & 2 Immersion
to Aug 13

THE ART OF BEING HUMAN | Authentic Relating Training - Level 1 & 2 Immersion

Activate and expand your relational capacities to radically transform all your relationships and experience connection, intimacy, trust, and aliveness. This is a Level 1 & 2 Immersion where we form the foundational practices of Level 1, then build with the Level 2 Advanced training so that you understand your relational patterns deeply. 

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Ancestral Lineage Healing | with Daniel Foor and supporters
to Aug 19

Ancestral Lineage Healing | with Daniel Foor and supporters

  • Google Calendar ICS

Ancestral Lineage Healing is the practice of relating directly with one’s blood ancestors for personal, family, and cultural healing. It involves safely establishing relationships with wise and well ancestors and enlisting their participation to deeply heal your lineages as they speak through your life today.

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MASTER PLANT DIETA | Traditional Amazonian Meditation Nights with Soi Bari
to Nov 30

MASTER PLANT DIETA | Traditional Amazonian Meditation Nights with Soi Bari

  • Google Calendar ICS

You are invited to open ourself to the world of plants and expand your personal healing through direct learning from Master Plants, held in Amazonian lineage. This is a silent retreat intended for deep introspection and inner listening. Only when your mind is quiet and your heart is open, can you hear the subtle guidance of the plants and their inner wisdom.

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Activating the Voice: Singing our Way into Right Relationship
to Jan 3

Activating the Voice: Singing our Way into Right Relationship

Activating the Voice: Singing our Way into Right Relationship. This is an animate, creative and experimental practice dedicated to vocal training and well being. We gather in the rainforest for eight full days with the impulse to create beauty through subtle attunement, deep listening, dreaming and creative expressions. We will be exploring art making through sound and song as a way of restoring and creating beauty in times of transition and renewal.

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DANZAMEDICINA | Laboratory of Immersive Movement
to Nov 17

DANZAMEDICINA | Laboratory of Immersive Movement

DanzaMedicina is an act against the collective anesthesia, the silencing of our instincts, the plasticization of our senses, the suppression of our visceral forces, and the normalization of our bodies. This is an experimental practice of dance, healing movement, and body psychotherapy that offers an opportunity to recover our lost ancestral fragments while we surrender to the authenticity and spontaneity of the self.

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SHIPIBO HEALING JOURNEY hosted by Sovereign by Nature | Maestras Ynes, Lila and Edelin
to Oct 4

SHIPIBO HEALING JOURNEY hosted by Sovereign by Nature | Maestras Ynes, Lila and Edelin

The Shipibo Healing Intensive is a deep dive into embodied experience guided by nature, the elements and the world of the plants. This three night inclusive plant meditation intensive interweaves ritual, embodied movement, breathwork and community connection for an unforgettable journey of transformation.

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THE EROS ANNUAL |  Zhenevere Sophia Dao and Willa Roberts
to Sep 24

THE EROS ANNUAL | Zhenevere Sophia Dao and Willa Roberts

  • Google Calendar ICS

Through Mythosomatic movement; through music—sound exploration, singing, and vocalization; through theater exercises and spiritualized martial arts training (suitable for all bodies); through language and poetics; and through philosophical inquiry into all of the ontologies of Eros, Zhenevere Sophia Dao and Willa Roberts will conduct atmospheres of profound uncertainty, beauty, and intensity, in search of the signs of endurable meaning. 

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ANCESTRAL HEALING PLANTS | with Taita Juan Guillermo Chindoy
to May 12

ANCESTRAL HEALING PLANTS | with Taita Juan Guillermo Chindoy

With eight full days of guided meditation led by Ambiwasi team of dreamers and shapeshifters, this unique experimental offering is created to strengthen the spirit. This is an invitation to deepen our self-rootedness and earth intimacy; stretch our imagination and alchemize these times so we may further embody the changes we wish to see.

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Territories of Transition
to Aug 30

Territories of Transition

  • Google Calendar ICS

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Hosted by Culture Hack Labs, Territories of Transition brings together land defenders, activists, and system change practitioners from Alaska to Central America to engage in a collective ‘hack’ on the land ownership narrative.

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SOUNDS OF THE RAINFOREST  |  with David Rothenberg
to Jan 12

SOUNDS OF THE RAINFOREST | with David Rothenberg

David Rothenberg, interspecies musician, writer, philosopher will lead a one week musical journey into the landscape of Costa Rica, open to musicians and nonmusicians alike, hoping to cultivate a deep listening experience in the tropical rainforest, where we learn the musical ways of birds, bugs, leaves, rain, wind and explore different ways of creating musical tapestries blending humans and nature.

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