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DANZAMEDICINA | Laboratory of Immersive Movement

A journey to explore the singularity of the wild, worshiping nature as a ritualistic territory to summon and reconnect with the knowledge of the body. An experimental practice for women that understands dance and movement as a somatic narrative, invoking a body that creates positive ruptures, visits new subjectivities, and affects and is affected by sensibilities that encourage new ways of living.

DanzaMedicina is an act against the collective anesthesia, the silencing of our instincts, the plasticization of our senses, the suppression of our visceral forces, and the normalization of our bodies. By working against the current times of disconnection, exhaustion and superficialities, DanzaMedicina reminds us to embody what we should never ever forget.

This is an experimental practice of dance, healing movement, and body psychotherapy that offers an opportunity to recover our lost ancestral fragments while we surrender to the authenticity and spontaneity of the self. It’s an invitation for women to remove their masks, face their fears and embrace their shadows, towards their wild and sacred feminine essence.


DanzaMedicina entiende la danza como una narrativa somática, crea rupturas positivas, transita por nuevas subjetividades, afecta y es afectada por sensibilidades que le brindan otros modos de existencia.

Una práctica de psicoterapia corporal que reverencia el cuerpo como territorio ritual de convocatoria y reconexión con el conocimiento instintivo, que nos sirve como denuncia y antídoto de las enfermedades fundamentales de nuestro tiempo.

Buscamos el movimiento que, como armas que sueñan, actúen en contra del cuerpo-contenedor patriarcal,excesivamente domesticado,cohibido, silenciado en sus instintos, plastificado en sus sentidos, adormecido y anestesiado, envuelto en barniz pasteurizado.

La materia prima de nuestra creación, investigación y experimentación es el gesto, que nos desplaza y nos provoca a sentir y pensar, que invoca la deriva, el extrañamiento y la disonancia, revoluciones concebidas al moverse.

En momentos de superficialidad, desconexión y agotamiento, descendemos a lo más profundo del cuerpo para adentrarnos en las fisuras. Bailamos bajo las grietas de la piel y la tierra para, quién sabe, recordar lo importante que quedó en el camino de nuestra trayectoria como mujeres.

Una invitación a nutrir lo marchito en el cuerpo deseante, a quitarse las máscaras, enfrentarse a los miedos, abrazar las sombras. Hacer germinar, por las grietas, una vida que quiere más vida

Morena Cardoso is a body-psychotherapist, feminist (trans-inclusive, anti-racist, anti-capitalist), mother of six (two births), writer - author of “Chrysalis Manifest” and “The Girl who became Moon” (translated in four different languages), researcher on Clinical Psychology postgrad school.

A Latin-American woman who carries in her veins the bittersweet medicine of challenging the patriarchal and colonial structures through the whispers of the sacred and wild feminine wisdom.

Morena has been sharing her experimental DanzaMedicina method for over a decade, in a dozen countries, with more than 600 students in on-site workshops and retreats and other 5 thousand participants on virtual courses - empowering, instigating and regenerating women, through weavings between dance, art, revolution, transgression and poetry. Learn more

Morena Cardoso es terapeuta corporal, feminista antirracista, anticapitalista, madre de seis hijos (dos nacidos), escritora - autora de “Manifiesto Crisálida” y “A Menina que se convirtió en Luna” (traducido a cuatro idiomas), investigadora en Psicología Clínica.

Una mujer latinoamericana que lleva en sus venas la medicina agridulce de desafiar las estructuras patriarcales y coloniales a través de los susurros de lo femenino sagrado y salvaje. Morena lleva más de una década al frente de su método experimental DanzaMedicina, en una decena de países, con más de 600 alumnas en talleres y retiros presenciales y otras 5.000 participantes en cursos virtuales - instigando y regenerando mujeres, tejiendo entre la danza, el arte, la revolución, la transgresión y la poesía.



07h  Morning practice (optional)   
08h Breakfast
09h30 - 12h30 DanzaMedicina Practices/ Morning Session
13h Lunch
15h - 18h DanzaMedicina Practices/ Afternoon Session
19h  Light Dinner
20h Final Meeting

Día 11/14

Check-in à partir das 13h (Check-in from 1:00 PM)

18h – Jantar, Light Dinner

19h - Introdução DanzaMedicina

Días 11/15 y 11/16

07:00 – Practica yoga y meditación

08:00 - Desayuno

9:30 - 12:30 – Sesión Matinal de DanzaMedicina

13:00 – Almuerzo

15:00 - 18:00 – Sesión DanzaMedicina

19:00 – Cena ligera

20:00 – Práctica cierre del día.

Día 11/17

07:00 – Practica yoga y meditación

08:00 - Desayuno

9:30 - 12:30 – Sesión Matinal de DanzaMedicina

13:00 – Almuerzo

14:30 Partida


Brave Earth, Center for Applied Cultural Transition, is a living laboratory rooted in principles of regeneration, resiliency and reciprocity. We provide immersive experiences in Nature that share alternative ways of living and being that are suitable for modernity and contextually relevant for the rapidly changing world we live in. 

Immerse yourself in the majesty and mystery of the rainforest. Brave Earth is located between San Ramon and La Fortuna, nestled in between Arenal Volcano and the Children’s Eternal Rainforest, the largest reserve of protected wildlife in Costa Rica.


The impulse for Tierra Valiente stems from an awareness of our civilizational trajectory within the dominant culture with its source code of extraction, domination, commodification, colonization, control, entitlement, and separation from the living world.

We are both informed by this critical lens and inspired to create outside of the old values and incentive landscapes to build a culture based on reciprocity, regeneration and resiliency.

In this collective transition - whether you call it the Anthropocene, the Kali Yuga, late-stage capitalism or capitalist modernity - our intention is to become more attuned to this cultural context in order to decolonize the conditioning of the dominant system and be in deeper service to our collective potential.