About Us
A Model for Regenerative Living
To create a new type of model, a living laboratory, in service to regeneration that is decentralized, resilient, and replicable.
To help create a network of communities around the world that are united through shared values in order to create a more unified global field.
These values outline our core ethics and how we conduct ourselves in service to the collective field.
Reciprocity & Generosity
We strive to always give more than we take.
Primacy of the Commons
We believe in stewardship not ownership.
Direct Democracy
We create participatory decision-making and non-hierarchical structures in social realms whenever possible.
Local Resilience
If we engage in commercial enterprise, we create cooperatively-owned economic engines and strive for bio-regional self-sufficiency.
Ecological Symbiosis
We are in active dialogue with Gaia, asking for permission, living in offering and implementing on biomimetic and regenerative approaches where possible.
Divine Play
We hold the highest aim of doing this work while remaining in a state of presence and play
Empathy & Solidarity
We create community, not to isolate ourselves, but to support human and more-than-human life.
Bhu Hum
Sanskrit for “Earth I Am”. We live in awareness of our non-separation to all other aspects of Life and strive to create the upward spiral of regeneration.